The Innovation Leadership Accelerator (ILA) is a 12-week transformative program designed to support your leap from skilled practitioner to courageous leader and visionary within your organization.The program is designed to create lasting impact for you and the teams you lead, through the program’s expert coaches and highly curated community — you will be learning side-by-side with other dynamic leaders.Thank you for your interest in joining us in this journey.The next cohort runs Feb - May, 2020.Applications open Nov 20!
Innovation Leadership
The Program Pillars

The ILA program is built for those who believe that innovation is not just about launching new products and services. It’s about creating the trust and safe space for inspiration and performance, so we can lead our teams to solve the bigger challenges, together.

We created this program to move past one-off workshops and get people into the deep work of design-driven transformation.

The Program is built on four pillars of leadership.

Facilitation MasteryCreated with Sketch.
Facilitation Mastery
The skill to prepare and drive gatherings of all size and objective.
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Know, trust, and manage yourself no matter the challenge.
Appliaed design thinkingCreated with Sketch.
Applied Design Thinking
Design & lead innovation workshops that deliver real business value.
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Coaching Mindset
Coach and be coached to unlock potential within yourself & team.

Who Attends and Why?

Because innovation leadership is a cross-functional team sport, the ILA program thrives from its diversity of attendee experience and backgrounds.

Creative peopleCreated with Sketch.
Creative People
The most explosive leadership growth is happening within Product, Design, Research, & Digital -- exciting but also the group that now needs critical guidance and support along your path.
Sales peopleCreated with Sketch.
Sales People
Sales, Customer Success, Marketing, and CX serve as voice of the customer -- learn how to not only participate fully but also drive company-wide innovation initiatives.
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Operations People
R&D projects get implemented & adopted because of the support from HR, Finance, Legal, Ops -- now it's time to lead some innovation wins within your own organizations.
Your Coaches

Jay Melone is the founder of New Haircut, a product innovation firm and leader in design sprints. He helps organizations fall in love with the products they make and how they make them. His approach makes innovation trusting, real, and achievable.

Jay has 20 years of deep product expertise, helping organizations like Home Depot, Pearson, and Rosetta Stone build amazing products & cultures of work.

Daniel Stillman

Daniel Stillman designs conversations for a living. An independent design facilitator and coach, he works with teams and organizations to frame and sustain productive and collaborative conversations. He’s worked with clients of all shapes and sizes on product, service and organizational innovation.

He hosts The Conversation Factory podcast and is the author of the upcoming book, “How Conversations Work” a handbook for changemakers and innovators.

Guest Mentors
Community is crucial to growth as a leader, that’s why we’re inviting some of our favorite advisers and collaborators to join us for the workshop intensives and to host deep dives during our coaching calls.
Helge Hellberg

Helge Hellberg coaches people in leadership positions or people who desire to get there – women and men who realize their self-responsibility to create exactly the professional and personal fulfillment they want.

Meeta Patel

Meeta Patel is the founder of Design Catalyst. She brings combined design thinking & business thinking expertise to deliver deeply impactful corporate innovation. Meeta was previously the Global VP of Design Thinking at SAP.

Jim Kalbach

Jim Kalbach is a noted author, speaker, and instructor in user experience design, information architecture, and strategy. He is currently Head of Customer Experience at MURAL, the leading online whiteboard. Jim has worked with eBay, Audi, SONY, Elsevier Science, Lexis Nexis, and Citrix.

Bree Groff

Bree Groff is a transformation expert and Principal at SYPartners. She’s on a mission to help companies and people not just embrace change, but get good at it. Bree holds an MS in Organizational Learning and Change from Northwestern University, and is a visiting lecturer at Northwestern and Parsons.

What other leaders say about our workshops
Kai Haley
"Such a fantastic workshop! I learned so much and really walked away with a new mindset"
Kai Haley
Lead of Design Relations and Sprint Master Academy Google
Damon PIeri
"What a phenomenal experience. I'm now completely re-inspired about what's possible!"
Damon Pieri
Director of Product Management at Pearson
Holly Thorsen
“Your session was one of the most valuable I’ve been to in years."
Holly Thorsen
Associate Director at Cooper Professional Education
Program Overview
What you need to know about joining our next cohort

Agenda: Summary

A program overview followed by a comprehensive syllabus
from on our inaugural cohort – Fall, 2019.

Click here to be notified about details & dates of our next cohort.

Inhouse Training
Opening Intensive Workshop | Sept 19 - Sept 20, NYC
You’ll be initiated into the program with an intensive, deeply practical 2-day workshop in NYC. We’ll explore and practice facilitative leadership, team trust building, innovation frameworks, and more.
Group CoachingCreated with Sketch.
Group Coaching
To make those lessons lasting and contextual to your work you’ll join a series of three group coaching calls to help you process your learnings and ask deeper questions.
Expert mentorshipCreated with Sketch.
Expert Mentorship
To help you go deep and grow your leadership skills in ways that are intimate and valuable to your journey, we’re thrilled to include a series of virtual mentoring sessions from several expert practitioners as part of the bi-weekly coaching series.
Peer coachingCreated with Sketch.
Peer Coaching
In between the facilitated coaching and mentoring sessions, and in order to foster a supportive community within the ILA program, you’ll support one another within your designated peer coaching triads.
Meetup Events
Closing Workshop | Dec 5 - Dec 6, NYC
To consolidate your learnings and help you design your road ahead through hands-on, team-led application, the program will close with another highly immersive 2-day workshop in NYC.

Agenda: Detailed Syllabus

The arc of the program is anchored at the start and the end by two day in-person workshops in New York City. Over the course of the 12 week program, you’ll meet with the whole group remotely every other week for a deep-dive coaching check-in. On alternate weeks, we’ll host an expert mentor to deepen the group’s understanding. And every week you’ll meet with a peer coaching triad to stay connected and go deeper in your coaching, mindfulness and innovation skills.

Questions about the content and what’s coming next? Get answers at any time. You have 24-7 access to the shared slack channel where the whole cohort and the coaching leadership team will be on hand to help.

Time Commitment

The Innovation Leadership Accelerator is  a 12-week, part-time program. The kickoff and closing workshop intensives are during the week. Otherwise, you don’t need to take time off from work to participate — we designed the program to fit your current work and personal schedule while still having a lasting positive impact on your work and the teams to lead.

To get the most out of the program, expect to spend a minimum of 5 hours per week:

  • 1 – 2 hrs on reading and materials
  • 2 hrs applying frameworks to your internal innovation experiment
  • 1 hr in your Triad Peer Coaching Group
  • 1 hr participating in an online group call every other week


Our most successful participants typically spend about 8 hours per week total:

  • Connecting with other participants outside of their triad
  • Reviewing what they are learning with co-workers and managers
  • More deeply applying their insights to their product, service or operations


September 9: Kickoff Call

Review your innovation culture research and your innovation leadership goals.

Align on group norms and expectations.


September 19-20: 2 Day Kickoff workshop in NYC

  • Building your Leadership Model
  • Facilitation Essentials
  • Leading with Vulnerability
  • Design Sprint Essentials
  • Problem Framing and Building your Innovation Challenge Map
  • Org Change with Special Guest Bree Groff, Principle @ SY Partners
  • Jobs to be Done with Jim Kalbach, Head of Customer Success @ Mural


September 23: Focus on Coaching

Group Coaching Call with Special Guest Helge Hellberg, Executive Coach

  • Somatic Awareness
  • Active Listening
  • Developing your Coaching Questions

Meet with your Triad for the first time. Practice your coaching questions: How are we each living our Leadership Model?

Community: Share your own Jobs-to-be-done work on your innovation challenge.

Recommended reading: The Coaching Habit by Michel Bungay Stanier and the Inner Game of Tennis by W. Timothy Gallwey


September 30: Building your Innovation Plan

One-on-One Coaching calls with Jay Melone or Daniel Stillman on your innovation plan.

Triad meeting: Practice Coaching and Feedback on our innovation challenge and/or leadership model

Community: share progress and blocks on your innovation challenge

Recommended reading: Gamestorming by Dave Gray,  Sunni Brown and James Macanufo


October 7: Remote Facilitation and Visual Thinking

Remote Facilitation with Mark Tippen from Mural

Triad meeting: Practice Coaching and Feedback on our innovation challenge and/or leadership model

Community: Leverage Mural to enhance an in-person or remote collaboration

Recommended reading: Back of the Napkin by Dan Roam


October 14: Peer Coaching and Applied Design Thinking

Triad meeting: Practice Coaching and Feedback on our innovation challenge

Community: Share progress on your innovation challenge

Recommended reading: Read Sprint by Jake Knapp and Download Duco to plan your sprint


October 21: Focus on Facilitation

Group Coaching Call with Jay Melone and Daniel Stillman

Triad meeting: Practice Coaching and Feedback on your leadership model and behaviors

Community: Share progress on your leadership model and how you’re implementing it

Recommended reading: Refresh your Facilitation insights with the Conversation Factory Video Library


October 28: The Ten Types of Innovation

Prep for November 4th Group Learning Session with Meeta Patel – submit an innovation case study challenge

Triad meeting: Practice Coaching and Feedback on your leadership model and behaviors

Community: Share your innovation case studies to slack for group feedback

Recommended reading: The Ten Types of Innovation by Larry Keely and Helen Walters


November 4: Innovation Coaching

Group Learning Call with Meeta Patel of the Catalyst Group

Laser coaching on your innovation case studies

Triad meeting: Practice Coaching and Feedback

Community: Update your innovation plan on Slack and prep for your one-on-one coaching calls


November 11: Evolving your Innovation Plan

One-on-One Coaching calls with Jay Melone or Daniel Stillman on your innovation plan progress

Triad meeting: Practice Coaching and Feedback on your innovation challenge and/or leadership model

Community: share progress and blocks on your innovation challenge


November 18: Living your Leadership Model

Group Coaching Call with Jay Melone and Daniel Stillman

How are you applying your insights?

Triad meeting: Practice Coaching and Feedback on your innovation challenge and/or leadership model

Community: share progress and blocks on your innovation challenge


November 25: Looking towards 2020

Thanksgiving week

Triad meeting: What have you learned so far? What will 2020 look like when you double down on your insights?

Community: share your 2020 vision with the group


December 2: Changing is Hard

Group Learning session with Special Guest

Triad meeting: What have you learned so far? What will 2020 look like when you double down on your insights?

Community: Update and share your final innovation presentation slides


December 5-6: Closing Retreat

In-person extended Triad sessions – revise your leadership model and next steps

Innovation project presentations and feedback

Group-led activity to demonstrate your leadership facilitation




In order to ensure fit with the program and community, everyone interested in joining the program is asked to apply (below).

Applications for this cohort end on Sunday, Aug 18.


The cost to join the program is $6,475.

If your application is accepted, you will be invited to hold your spot with a $500 deposit. The deposit will be applied to your total investment in the program. The deposit is fully refundable within 5 days of payment or until Aug 18, 2019, whichever comes first.

Otherwise, your application may not be accepted for this cohort, or you can also choose to decline.


Each cohort welcomes 18 highly curated participants.